Chapter 1 – Preparing and structuring your pitch
Video Overview
This introductory chapter will examine the importance of being able to identify and understand your target audience by appealing to their interests. It will also address the essential questions to ask yourself when it comes to drafting your pitch and the benefits of Mind Mapping when it comes to structuring and assembling your pitch.
Chapter 2 – Connecting with your audience
Video Overview
In this chapter you will learn how best to engage with your audience through verbal and nonverbal communication including movement, eye contact, body language and voice. The chapter will also highlight the best use of visual aids - be that PowerPoint or Handouts - along with the advantages and disadvantages of both.
Chapter 3 – Benefits of a Q&A session and 30-second elevator pitch
Video Overview
The last chapter will prepare you on how to successfully complete a Q&A session through best practice by utilising the TRACT Method. The chapter and tutorial will conclude with an overview of the renowned 30-second elevator pitch.
Pitch Optimisation: Develop and deliver a sales pitch
Pitching skills are essential for the development, growth and success of any business. This tutorial will provide you with quality advice on how to prepare and structure your pitch, explore persuasive presentation through verbal and nonverbal communication as well as visual aids to allow your business to continue to prosper and grow.