
Farm with the future in mind

Look to Northern Ireland for agricultural innovation – our agricultural technology solutions help global food producers meet fast-changing consumer demand.

Today, we are recognised as a global leader in farming equipment manufacturing and build agri-tech solutions that incorporate world-leading food security and traceability expertise.

Farming is the biggest industry in Northern Ireland, but we’re also leaders in engineering, manufacturing, technology and academic research in the field. We have world-leading expertise developing innovative, reliable farming equipment and agri-tech.

Our sophisticated, productive farming practices can help increase profits, manage land, improve sustainability, boost yields and safeguard food quality. Northern Ireland companies are bringing this expertise to the global agricultural industry.  Reap the benefits of our experience and source your farming solutions from world leaders.

Download the Northern Ireland Agri-Tech brochure (PDF)

Find Northern Ireland Agri-Tech Companies

Find out more

  • In 1917, Harry Ferguson patented the technology that led to the modern tractor.

  • NI is home to The Institute for Global Security, Queen’s University Belfast – a world leader in food security and traceability.

  • Farming is the biggest industry in Northern Ireland with 75% of land used for agriculture.

  • Almost 25,000 farm businesses in Northern Ireland support over 48,000 jobs.

Sector expertise

Area of sector expertise

  • Grassland management
  • Trailers
  • Livestock Equipment
  • Attachments

Northern Ireland has a unique cluster of companies producing world-class equipment with agricultural applications. Our engineering and manufacturing excellence is supported by a comprehensive supply chain, resulting in reliable, high-performing equipment that delivers economic and environmental benefits.

  • Products from slurry tankers and dribble bars to livestock handling equipment
  • Cutting-edge technology and efficient farm machinery
  • Full range of farm trailers
  • Equipment to improve production yields and sustainability

Sector strengths

  • World-class quality agri engineering, increasing productivity and improving sustainability
  • International reputation in food safety, quality control and traceability
  • Innovation in Animal, Crop & Feedstock data analytics & genetics
  • Adaptable industry, with companies constantly refining and innovating to meet the changing needs of global customers
  • At the forefront of agricultural innovation, fusing farming expertise with expert engineering and academic research

Get in touch

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Please get in touch.  You can find a team in your region or fill in an enquiry form and a member of the team will contact you directly.