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City and Growth Deals

A City or Growth Deal is a bespoke package of funding and decision-making powers negotiated between government and local authorities. They are aimed at helping to harness additional investment, create new jobs and speed up inclusive and sustainable economic growth.

Over the next ten years, Northern Ireland will benefit from a transformational package of investment from four City and Growth Deals. The combined funding, from the Northern Ireland Executive and UK government will total £1.2bn, which will be complemented by private sector and other sources of funding such as the £100m Complementary Fund from the Northern Ireland Executive.

City & Growth Deals will be a driver of innovation and growth across Northern Ireland with the investments multi-faceted as they link industrial, societal, and regional challenges in a comprehensive and inclusive way helping to raise productivity and driving competitiveness across Northern Ireland.  The Deals will establish the necessary infrastructure to connect businesses at all levels to new ideas and technologies.

These significant investments will help create global centres of innovation excellence in key growth sectors. They will provide opportunities for businesses, located both in and outside Northern Ireland, to collaborate and tap into the world-leading expertise of our universities to create breakthrough technologies, products and services. Additionally, they will develop the infrastructure and facilities that will allow the next generation of products to be trialled and tested.

The innovation and digital projects identified for City and Growth Deals funding will act as a “golden thread” linking to the key ambitions of the Department for the Economy’s 10X Economic Vision through delivering greater innovation, sustainability, and inclusivity for all people in Northern Ireland.

In order to support the implementation of the deals, Northern Ireland’s council areas have been amalgamated into four regions:

  • Belfast Region City Deal
  • Derry City & Strabane City Deal
  • Mid South West Growth Deal
  • Causeway Coast & Glens Growth Deal

Belfast Region City Deal

The below are examples of some of the centres of excellence being developed:

Momentum One Zero (formerly Global Innovation Institute) is a global innovation centre led by Queen’s University.  It is a nexus for co-innovation between researchers and industry in data security, connectivity and analytics. The centre enables economic growth and delivers civic value in key sectors by solving business and societal problems through research and innovation in advanced digital technologies (‘secure connected intelligence’) through the power of data. 

Momentum One Zero allows local and international companies, entrepreneurs and researchers to come together in a multi-disciplinary innovation environment.

Derry~Londonderry and Strabane Region City Deal

The following projects are being developed under the innovation, digital and health theme:  

CIDRA will have highly specialist robotics equipment and an ideas factory for R&D for new businesses and will assist companies develop in the expertise needed to compete in the 4th industrial revolution.  

This state-of-the-art facility will be a dedicated demonstration space for robotics, automation and AI, and an experimentation and skills development industry hub. It aims to be an “ideas factory” for R&D in new businesses and an advanced support facility for local and international industry. 

Mid South West Growth Deal

The Mid South West Growth Deal covers three councils: Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon; Fermanagh and Omagh; and Mid Ulster.

The region has developed an ambitious Regional Economic Strategy which promises to transform the region. The growth deal will contribute to and support: future proofing the skills base; enabling infrastructure; boosting  innovation; digital capacity; and building a high performing tourism economy. The potential areas for investment include innovation, transport, regeneration and heritage.

Causeway Coast and Glens Growth Deal

Causeway Coast and Glens is currently developing proposals to transform the council area and this growth deal is at an earlier stage than the other three deals. This deal will support innovation; tourism and regeneration; infrastructure; employability and skills; digital connectivity; and energy / green economy.

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