Interested in attending the exhibition?

About the exhibition

Invest NI is planning to exhibit at Farm Shop & Deli in April 2025.

This event is an annual meeting place for the speciality food and drink community, offering an opportunity to showcase products and solutions to key decision makers across the foodservice and retail sectors.   

As part of the award-winning UK Food & Drink Shows, the exhibition runs alongside the Food & Drink Expo, National Convenience Show, and Foodex Manufacturing Solutions, increasing the opportunities to make connections and generate leads.

Find out more about Farm Shop & Deli.

Who should consider attending the exhibition?

The exhibition is suitable for food and drink businesses:

  • With a minimum of SALSA accreditation
  • Operating within speciality areas suited to the Farm Shop & Deli audience
  • Targeting convenience and mainstream retail suited to the co-located shows



Benefits of attending the exhibition

Benefits of the participation package include: 

  • Two exhibitor passes 
  • Shared use of a display fridge 
  • Advice and support from the Food & Drink Business Development Team 
  • Promotion of participation via marketing and PR activity 

On successful completion of the exhibition, Invest NI will provide grant assistance of £175 towards flights and accommodation for one company representative. This is subject to the completion of a short evaluation questionnaire. 

Interested in participating in the exhibition?

To check your eligibility to participate, please answer these three questions.

Is your business eligible?

Answer the following questions to find out if you can apply.

Q1 - Is your business currently based in Northern Ireland?

Find out more about Farm Shop & Deli