Check your export readiness

Drive business growth by selling outside Northern Ireland

Success in international markets can be game-changing for businesses. Businesses who sell outside Northern Ireland are more innovative, productive, and resilient.

In 2021, Northern Ireland businesses generated an estimated £24.9 billion worth of sales outside of Northern Ireland.  – NI Economics Trade Statistics, NISRA (2022)

Whether your business is getting ready to sell outside Northern Ireland for the first time or you're looking to expand your external sales, let us help you on your journey.

Go further, and grow your business stronger.

Is your business ready to export? Take our Export Health Check

Our Export Health Check assesses your business's readiness for exporting, ranging from first-time exporters to those seeking new markets. It consists of 15 questions and takes under five minutes to complete. A tailored report is sent to you, detailing your journey, next steps, practical tips, templates, and support available.


Q1 - Is your business based in Northern Ireland?

What export support is available for Northern Ireland businesses?

There is lots of support available to help you secure sales outside Northern Ireland.

We offer insights and support to businesses looking to explore international markets and attend trade shows and exhibitions.

Our Business Information Centre offers free market research, support, and worldwide company directories for business use. provides information on exporting, finance, marketing, and export events.

helps businesses across the island by offering practical cross-border funding, intelligence, and contacts, all of which can be found on their Trade Hub.

The Department for Business and Trade offers free Market Guides and its UK Export Academy programme for businesses looking to export.

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