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What is our ESG strategy?

We have a major role to play in making a positive impact on the lives of our citizens through our market interventions and project support.

Our ESG Strategy outlines how we, and the companies and eco systems we support, can make that positive contribution by looking at how we operate, the services we offer, and the policies we follow, through a social and environmental lens.

Download the Environmental Social Governance (ESG) Strategy (PDF)

The ESG Strategy provides us with a framework to assess business practices and performance on sustainability and social issues and provides a way to measure business risks and opportunities in those areas.

The ESG Strategy is a living document and we are keen to get feedback from key stakeholders to allow for further refining as necessary.

What we would like you to consider?

To help you in your feedback we would like you to consider the following questions:

  1. Are the ten ambitions set out in the strategy the right ones for Invest NI?
  2. Have we gone far enough in our efforts to support the net-zero transition of the NI economy within this framework?
  3. Have we missed any key commitments needed to help make that transition?
  4. Do you have any concerns about the ability to achieve what’s committed to in the strategy?
  5. It’s important to Invest NI that we are setting standards that we ourselves are meeting – do you see this strategy is adequately addressing our internal ambitions in order to ensure we do that?
  6. Do you agree with the need to adjust our perspective on economic growth and focus on sustainable growth?
  7. The triple bottom line of Inclusion, Innovation and Sustainability set out in DFE’s 10X vision has been reflected in our framework – do you believe we’ve done enough to address these issues?
  8. We need to collaborate with government departments, agencies and private sector bodies to achieve these ambitions – do you see any misalignment between our framework and the goals of other key actors when it comes to creating a sustainable future for Northern Ireland?
  9. Have we been bold enough or is there room to be bolder still?
  10. How can we help each other?

Your feedback

Please send your feedback to esg@investni.com.

Thank you for taking the time to review our ESG Strategy and sharing your input.