Want to know more about our support?

Regional business network

Our Regional Business Network works directly and indirectly with businesses across Northern Ireland.

We offer:

  • information and advice;
  • business support setup and growth;
  • tailored support for businesses

With dedicated teams present in five locations, Ballymena, Belfast, Derry~Londonderry, Newry and Omagh – our regional offices are available to help you on your business journey.

Our five Regional Offices are supplemented by one additional “point of presence" in Craigavon.

How we support business

What we offer includes but is not limited to support for the creation of good jobs, research and development and innovation, up-skilling of employees and trade support.

Over the past five years, we have offered £474.4m of support to 4,154 businesses. This support, alongside the companies' investment commitments, has the potential to generate a £2.72bn investment in the local economy, and create 20,259 jobs. 

Download the Invest Northern Ireland Statistical Briefing (PDF) for more information about our support.

Regardless of the size of your business or the sector, we can provide you with a free advisory service. Find out more about how we support businesses and the criteria to become an Invest NI client.

Regional support

  • Ambition to grow

    Help for local SMEs to create jobs and sell innovative products or services beyond Northern Ireland.

    Learn more

  • Lunch & Learn

    Regional workshop series to improve your knowledge and operational efficiency.

    Learn more


Our regional offices work with local entrepreneurs, start-ups and existing businesses to encourage growth through innovation and into export markets. Our regional offices work closely with key partners in the delivery of this support.

We are keen to hear from entrepreneurs who want to start, build, or scale new businesses or ideas; so, if you have an idea for a new business, a new product, service, business model or a new market opportunity, we can help.

The Regional Business Group can provide guidance or both financial assistance for ambitious entrepreneurs planning to export or already exporting their product or service.

Our stakeholder partners

To develop local stakeholder relationships and initiatives to meet the needs of local businesses we work with key industry partners including:

  • Accelerators
  • Councils
  • Enterprise agencies
  • Further education colleges
  • Universities
  • Enterprise Ireland
  • Ethnic Minority Employment & Entrepreneurship Network
  • InterTradeIreland
  • Women in Business NI

This partnership working is key to deliver for all of Northern Ireland.

Contact us

Find out more about our regional support.

For information on how we use your personal data including your rights, see our privacy notice.

You may be interested in

  • Develop products and services

    Ambition to Grow

    Take part in a competition to receive up to £45,000 in funding.

  • Find new markets

    Go Further. Grow Stronger

    Complete our Export Health Check to assess your export readiness.

  • Develop products and services

    Innovation Vouchers

    Innovation Vouchers offers up to £5K to be used to develop innovative solutions to business issues.