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Get information, advice and guidance on submitting a claim.

Independent Accountant Report

As from March 2020, Independent Accountant Reports are no longer required to accompany claim submissions.

This applies to claims submitted under all Invest NI Letters of Offer including those issued prior to March 2020 that included a requirement for the provision of an Independent Accountant Report to accompany claims where the grant being claimed was more than £25,000.

Independent Accountant Reports are no longer required to accompany claim submissions, however Invest NI still reserves the right to request an independent accountants report at its discretion.

Trigger-based grants

Trigger-based grants are those where payment of grant is "triggered" when a specific target (identified in your Letter of Offer) is reached. The targets are typically employment-related and payment of grant is authorised following vouching of a valid claim against appropriate documentary evidence.

A standard claim pack must be used for employment trigger-based grant claims. The claim pack is available below and comprises of a claim form and various tabs. The claim pack also includes steps and guidance for claim pack completion.

For all other Trigger-based grants contact claims@investni.com to request a claim pack/form.


Cost-based grants

Cost-based grants are those where payment of grant is made as a reimbursement of expenditure incurred and paid against the eligible costs of approved activities detailed in your Letter of Offer.

A standard claim pack must be used for all cost-based grant claims. The claim pack is available below and comprises of a claim form, various cost schedules and supporting schedules.


Supporting Cost Schedules – Cost Based Claims Only

Depreciation & Stores Issue Supporting Schedules (R&D Only)

The Depreciation and Stores Issue supporting schedules are only to be completed for relevant R&D Offers, and where the expenditure has been agreed in your Letter Of Offer.  Refer to your Project Owner / Client Executive if you have any queries. 


Submitting Your Claim

Submit your completed claim pack to claims@investni.com

How we Process Your Claim

Following receipt of your claim, we will write to you requesting copies of documents (invoices, payroll records, bank statements etc.) to verify that expenditure has been incurred and paid / grant payment conditions have been met in line with the terms and conditions of your offer. 

Submitting Your Cost Based Claim with Supporting Documents

You can opt to provide scanned copies of supporting documents at the time of submitting your cost based claim. This option means that we can process your claim more efficiently as we will not need to write to you separately to request copies of supporting documents.

But please note that you will need to provide copies of invoices and relevant bank statements for all expenditure included in your claim. All copy documents must be clearly cross- referenced to the Claim-Pack cost schedule.

Employment Claims - Protecting Personal Data


In line with Invest NI GDPR Procedures, information requested on the Invest NI Claim Pack is not sufficient on its own to identify an individual person thereby protecting the identity of employees included in the claim.  

To ensure proper governance in the use of public funds, we will, when processing a claim for payment of grant against employee costs, at times require you  to provide us with details of your  employees. Depending upon the type of support, this may include name, employee reference number, national insurance number, salary, contracted hours, timesheets, training details or a CV. 

Employee Reference Schedule

To allow processing of claims that include employee costs, you will be required to complete an Employee Reference Schedule that provides the employee name for every employee reference number included in the claim. The completed Employee Reference Schedule should be sent in a separate email to claims@investni.com quoting the Letter of Offer reference number in the “Subject” line.

We will write to you requesting copies of required documents (e.g. payslips, attendance records, contracts of employment etc.)  following receipt your completed Claim Pack and Employee Reference Schedule.

Need help submitting a claim?

Our Claims Team will assist you with any queries that you may have about your claim. Please quote the Letter of Offer reference number and claim reference number (where known) before contacting us on claims@investni.com

We will aim to contact you within two working days of receiving your enquiry. However, at busy times, it may not be possible to respond within two working days.